Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CACA72FA3F8C70-fall1#/
As the Heart of Centerville Washington Twp. board president is fond of saying, many hands make light work. It takes many hands to make an event like the 2023 Centerville Fall Fest a success. We are looking for volunteers to help us provide support for the event on Sept. 30 at Stubbs Park.
While the event runs 12pm-5pm for the family fun and vendor village, and then switches to Oktoberfest from 5-9pm, The Heart needs volunteers beginning at 7am until 10pm in various capacities to assist with event setup, tear-down, vendor check-in, and event parking. The event is rain or shine, and so is our need for volunteers!
Whether you are a business member of HOCWT or community member who wants to be more involved, we would love your help! Please follow the link to our Sign-Up Genius to sign-up for one of our available volunteer shifts. All volunteers must be at least 16 years old to participate. Volunteers receive a free HOCWT t-shirt to wear during the event along with two drink tickets for the beverage tents per shift.
Sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CACA72FA3F8C70-fall1#/
Only sign up for a shift if you are certain you can be there to help! Volunteers should wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather, and plan to stand for long periods of time. If you have any questions about volunteering, please email us at heartocwt@gmail.com. Fall Fest is not accepting additional vendors. This sign-up is for volunteer shifts only. For more info on Fall Fest, check out the Facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/1wuw6hGkw.