HOCWT February 2022 Member Meeting
2/15/2022 at 28 South Main Street, Centerville, Ohio 45458
In attendance:Jesse Gaither - Vice President, Brandon Barrett - Secretary, Casey Dixon -
Treasurer, Terry O’Brien, Pam Brown, Butch Brown, David Herman, April Desai, Michael Flack,
Maryam Flack, Laura Carter, Jessica Olson, Chris Calton, Patti McCormick, Chris Ellis, Kate
Evans, Ginger Clark
●Documents Distributed:
○Financial Statement
○Not a lot of activity with the bank account. Renewal will start coming in.
○Tote Bags (Need 12 Sponsors?)
○T-Shirts Perhaps 2 Different Shirts. Butch Brown and Jessica Olson will discuss
options. No Sponsors.
○Centerville Merchant Market
■Sunday, May 22nd 11am to 6pm
■70 Vendors at Stubbs Park
■Heart Members will still be able to apply at a later date.
■Service Vendors will be intermixed into the product vendors.
■Non-Profits will be invited to participate for free that are within Centerville
Washington Township limits.
■We need volunteers! SignUp Genius.
○Party in the Park
■June and July only. August is a no go.
■City wants to continue to make this amazing!
○Need Chairs for:
■Events - Ginger Clark
■Membership -
■Marketing - Jessica Olson
■Hospitality - Kathy Jablinski
●Approved Motions:
Next Meeting:Monday, March 14th at 5:30pm
Submitted By:Brandon Barrett - HOCWT Secret
