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Be Part of the Historic Ghost Walk!

We are excited to be a part of the 2021 Ghost Walk on Thursday Oct 14t at Benham’s Grove!

We are starting to take reservations for booth space at this event. Space is limited this year so act fast!

Please email to reserve your spot asap! DEADLINE NEXT WED SEPT 8!

  • Cost $25 – Your contribution will be used to provide a light dinner for our guests, tour guides, and volunteer staff, including yourselves for the evening. In past years, booth space has been free for our members and we asked each vendor to provide a little food. Due to covid-19 concerns we would like to eliminate the finger foods at each table and have a grab-and-go box lunch type dinner for guests.

  • We still encourage you to bring beverages for your own tables – Water, soda, beer, wine, hard cider, whatever you like!

  • GUEST GIFT BAGS – The Heart is providing gift bags to guests! We are using our green fabric tote bags, and stuffing them with your coupons, offers and promo items! From now thru OCT 8, drop off any items you would like to be included in the gift bag to Beckles Humidor. Centerville Washington History will graciously stuff all the bags for us. You do not need to have a vendor table at the event to add your promo items in this gift bag, the more the merrier!

If you are participating, make sure we have your logo for the promotions! If you have not done so in the last 30 days, please go to and re-register your business. This will allow you to update your contact info, business description and provide us with your business logo and a photo.

Check out this website for more info on the event - Ghost Walk on Main | Washington-Centerville Public Library (

P.S. - Our next member meeting is next Wednesday Sept 8 at 5:30pm! I hope to see you there!


Christopher Wysong

President, Heart of Centerville

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